Do you look after someone? You are a carer if you provide help or support to a partner, parent, son, daughter, any other relative, friend or neighbour who, due to disability, frailty, illness and/or vulnerability, cannot manage in the community without another’s help.
Carers can be any age and need not necessarily live in the same house as the person they care for. They may be in receipt of a carer’s allowance/premium or undertake caring without payment. A significant proportion of carers remain hidden, unaware of their entitlement to services, support and benefits.
This practice is actively identifying carers and encouraging them to get the support they need. If you would like a carers information pack for yourself or someone you know, these are displayed at reception and are available for you to take. Alternatively you may wish to contact CARERS LEEDS on 0113 246 8338 who offer a confidential information, support and advice service to carers.